S. L. Davis


“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity”

According to Franz Kafka’s famous quote above, I’ve been courting insanity for  most of my life. His quote, in my case anyway, is spot on. I wish I’d heard it when I was younger. Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted so much time not writing. I don’t think not writing made me a monster though – well, not on Fridays, anyway.

Finally, I now have the time to write and it’s what I have to do. It fulfils me and nourishes my soul.  I don’t think there’s a better reason than that.

I’ve just completed a full-length novel – the story I’ve always wanted to write. And although I wrote the first draft (selfishly) for me – I’ve edited and polished many times to try and make it shine for anyone willing to read it. It will give me immense pleasure if it shines for you.

So, I’ve now realised a life-long ambition of writing a novel. The next step is to get it published. Hopefully, you came to this website because you’ve read or heard about ‘when the first conker falls.’ Which means I do get it published – and someone’s found it! Yay!

When I’m not writing, I walk my two dogs in the New Forest, paint watercolours, and enjoy live music. I love visiting different places and have a strange fascination for graveyards and old derelict buildings. Very occasionally I do some gardening. And once or twice a year, I might do some housework.

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